Where can I find my tax identification number (TIN)? (Countries that do not border Luxembourg)
The tax identification number (TIN) in countries that do not border Luxembourg can generally be found on the following documents, depending on the country:
Spain: The Spanish NIF can usually be found on the ‘NIE’ (Identification number for foreigners), which may appear on official documents such as your foreigner's identity card or residence certificate.
Italy: The Italian NIF, called Codice Fiscale, appears on various documents such as the electronic identity card, tax returns and other official documents issued by the Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate).
United Kingdom: The NIF in the United Kingdom, called the National Insurance Number (NIN), is shown on payslips, letters from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), or on your social security card.
Portugal: The Portuguese NIF can be found on your Portuguese identity card (or Cartão de Cidadão), or on tax documents such as your tax assessment.
Other European countries : In general, the NIF is often mentioned on official tax documents, such as tax returns, tax notices, or tax identity cards issued by the local tax authorities.
Spain: The Spanish NIF can usually be found on the ‘NIE’ (Identification number for foreigners), which may appear on official documents such as your foreigner's identity card or residence certificate.
Italy: The Italian NIF, called Codice Fiscale, appears on various documents such as the electronic identity card, tax returns and other official documents issued by the Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate).
United Kingdom: The NIF in the United Kingdom, called the National Insurance Number (NIN), is shown on payslips, letters from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), or on your social security card.
Portugal: The Portuguese NIF can be found on your Portuguese identity card (or Cartão de Cidadão), or on tax documents such as your tax assessment.
Other European countries : In general, the NIF is often mentioned on official tax documents, such as tax returns, tax notices, or tax identity cards issued by the local tax authorities.
Updated on: 10/02/2025
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