Articles on: Salaries
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How can I add income from abroad?

If you have received income from abroad, you must:

Tick "I have received a salary" and "I received income from abroad" in the "Tax situation" form.
Add your income in the "Salaries" form and select the "Source" corresponding to this income.

This income will not be taxed a second time but is taken into account for the calculation of the overall tax rate.

Even if the foreign income is not taxable in Luxembourg, it is incorporated into a fictitious tax base to determine the overall tax rate applicable to Luxembourg taxable income.

French Income

You will need your December salary slip (cumul de l'année).

Example of French payslip

Belgian income

You will need your "Compte individuel" certificate or the salary slip for the tax year.

Example of Belgian payslip

German income

You will need your "Lohnsteuerbescheinigung" certificate.

Example of German payslip

Updated on: 10/02/2025

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