Why aren't my extraordinary expenses shown on my tax return?
Extraordinary expenses are only deductible up to a certain minimum amount, depending on your tax class, taxable income and number of children.
If your extraordinary expenses do not appear on your tax return, this means that their total is less than your minimum amount.
The taxx.lu system automatically calculates the amount you need to exceed for the expenses to be deductible.
For example, if your minimum amount is 4.000 € and your actual expenses are less than this amount, e.g. 2.000 €, they will not be deductible.
On the other hand, if your actual expenses amount to 5.000 €, the difference between this amount and the minimum amount (5.000 - 4.000), i.e. 1.000 €, will be deductible.
How is the minimum amount for extraordinary expenses calculated?

If your extraordinary expenses do not appear on your tax return, this means that their total is less than your minimum amount.
The taxx.lu system automatically calculates the amount you need to exceed for the expenses to be deductible.
For example, if your minimum amount is 4.000 € and your actual expenses are less than this amount, e.g. 2.000 €, they will not be deductible.
On the other hand, if your actual expenses amount to 5.000 €, the difference between this amount and the minimum amount (5.000 - 4.000), i.e. 1.000 €, will be deductible.
How is the minimum amount for extraordinary expenses calculated?

Updated on: 01/08/2024
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