Articles on: Rental income
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What is the difference between form 190 and form 200/210?

Form 190 (rental income) is used to declare the income generated by renting out a property, whether a house or a flat.

Form 190 should be completed when you are the sole owner of the rented property.

You can also deduct several expenses from your tax return when you rent out a property.

For example:

Fire and civil liability insurance
Electricity, heating and water
Building management fees
Property tax, sewerage tax, garbage disposal tax
Interest on real estate loans
Any other costs relating to the maintenance and repair of the building

Forms 200 and 210 are necessary when a property has multiple owners.

They serve to specify the ownership details and income distribution among owners for the year.

If you complete Form 200, you're required to also fill out Form 210, which elaborates on the calculation of net rental income.

Form 210 follows a similar completion process as Form 190, including the availability of similar deductions

Updated on: 18/04/2024

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